LMC Essentials Online

Learn Lead Achieve Meaningful Change

Introducing Leading Meaningful Change Essentials Online (LMCEO)

Patwell Consulting is proud to offer a new program to help you lead meaningful change in your life, team, organization, and community. This program combines thirty years of research and experience into a virtual study program that you can complete at your own pace.

LMC Essentials Online is perfect for:

  • Busy professionals
  • Change leaders (formal and informal) at all levels of an organization
  • People seeking to find alignment and lead change right away
  • People seeking to apply professional development credits toward self-directed study

What you will learn:

  • Deep dive into Leading Meaningful Change: Capturing the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of the People You Lead, Work With, and Serve
  • Understand the theory and key concepts of the LMC Framework
  • Reflect on and develop your Use-of-Self
  • Access tools to lead meaningful change in your team(s), organization, and community

How you will learn:

  • Independent reading
  • Self-directed exercises and learning activities
  • Quizzes to assess your understanding of LMC theory and key concepts
  • Participate in an online discussion forum to learn with and from other learners

Leading Meaningful Change

Take your first step on the path to mastering Leading Meaningful Change. Follow each module to understand the key change leadership concepts in the book and the LMC Framework. Reflect on and develop your Use-of-Self. Start producing results right away.

In an age where agility is paramount, it’s the people that are at the centre. Change leadership becomes more about capturing the hearts, minds, and souls of those people. This program provides the tools that help you do just that.

Participating in Bev Patwell’s Leading Meaningful Change course was like embarking on a journey of personal growth during a significant leadership transition at my workplace. As our organization turned a new leaf, this course equipped me with the tools to confidently navigate the change. Bev’s extensive expertise and approach to online learning and change management effectively guide people who want to do more than follow a change plan. It’s about winning hearts, instilling a belief in a greater cause, and achieving results that make you feel invincible—without the need for a cape!

From the Use-of-Self keys to the wisdom of reframing, the sharing of practical exercises and guides, and with direct access to global experts and leaders – this program will re-boot your organization by capturing the best in your people – their hearts, minds and souls.

Participating in LMC Essentials was a true antidote for the fear and confusion of these times. Beverley and her team reminded us of the importance of authentic, values-based servant leadership in responding rather than reacting to crisis … It’s the ultimate vaccine for thriving and working in these times.