Chris Day

Communications and Marketing, Government Relations

Chris brings a wealth of experience in corporate strategy design and implementation, marketing-communications, and public affairs. This includes extensive experience working with associations and not-for-profits. He owns his own company and is Chairman of the Board of Directors for TVO, a Crown agency. He has served as a trusted member of executive teams, and as senior advisor to government ministers, CEOs, and other leaders.

Outside of Work

Chris is an avid traveller; he has visited and/or worked in 79 countries and counting.

He loves the outdoors – kayaking, hiking, and cycling in the summer months, snowshoeing and downhill skiing in the winter.

He loves to spoil his niece and two nephews.

Chris and his partner JF live in Ottawa.

Passion for Leading Meaningful Change

Chris loves to connect the dots to make the seemingly impossible possible. He believes partnerships and collaborations are the fuel for new ways of thinking/doing. He strives to create impact that is larger than any one person alone.

An entrepreneur and innovator at heart, he is constantly asking ‘how could this be done better, and how can we better serve the people who will ultimately use a product or access a service?’

A storyteller by nature, he studies how stories can cut through the noise of modern life to create resonance and meaning with key, intended audiences.

Favourite Quote

“Try not to be become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.” – Albert Einstein